tiger grouper + giant grouper
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Buku "dasar-dasar budidaya walet"
Kehidupan burung walet
Budidaya walet rumah
Cara memperbaiki gedung walet
Memilih lokasi sesuai
Membuat gedung walet
Written By: Dr.E Nugroho and Dr.Whendrato
Total pages 158
Total pages 158
Buku "teknik renovasi rumah walet"
This is a good guide book if one need to renovate to improve conditions of BH.
Total pages 118.
Some of its' contents:
Waktu renovasi tepat dan baik
Renovasi lubang burung yang benar
Renovasi dinding rumah walet
Renovasi atap dan bumbung yang tepat
Renovasi sirip tempelan sarang
Written By: Dr.E Nugroho
Total pages 118.
Some of its' contents:
Waktu renovasi tepat dan baik
Renovasi lubang burung yang benar
Renovasi dinding rumah walet
Renovasi atap dan bumbung yang tepat
Renovasi sirip tempelan sarang
Written By: Dr.E Nugroho
Buku "kwalitas sarang burung"
All about different types of nests and their quality.
Learn more about edible nests.
Written By: Dr.E Nugroho and Dr.Whendrato
Total pages 112
Buku "Sirip Walet"
Guide on how to choose and install nesting planks for maximum productivity.
Written By:Dr.E Nugroho and Dr.Whendrato
Total pages 120
Written By:Dr.E Nugroho and Dr.Whendrato
Total pages 120
Sarang Walet - Lewat Jalan Tol
A very useful guide book with many charts on how to build and operate a swiftlet farms.
Written By: Dr.E Nugroho and Dr.Whendrato
Total pages 128
Written By: Dr.E Nugroho and Dr.Whendrato
Total pages 128
Serangga Makanan Walet
A book written by Drh.E.Nugroho,Drh.I.Whendrato and I.M.Madyana.
Total Pages:128.
Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Learn about the favourite foods for swiftlets and how to prepare more insects for swiftlets in a drought.
Total Pages:128.
Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Learn about the favourite foods for swiftlets and how to prepare more insects for swiftlets in a drought.
Memasukkan Burung ke Rumah Baru
A book about technics to lure swiftlets to stay in new farm.
A must have book for beginners.
Written By: Dr.E Nugroho and Dr.Whendrato
Total pages 132
A must have book for beginners.
Written By: Dr.E Nugroho and Dr.Whendrato
Total pages 132
Nesting Plank
The best method to install planks to maximise productivity.
Plenty of guiding charts.If you DIY your bird house and not too sure about the formation of nesting planks,this is a perfect book for you.
Written By: Dr.E Nugroho
Total pages 117
Plenty of guiding charts.If you DIY your bird house and not too sure about the formation of nesting planks,this is a perfect book for you.
Written By: Dr.E Nugroho
Total pages 117
The Secret of A Successful Swiftlet House
Heaps of drawings about flying path and how to install planks.
Best seller.
Written By:Dr.E Nugroho
Total pages 203
Breeding Swiftlets in Farming House
A good guide book with sketches and photos.
A lot of information on how to start a successful farm. A must have book for biginners.
Best seller.
Written By:Dr.E Nugroho
Total pages : 164
A lot of information on how to start a successful farm. A must have book for biginners.
Best seller.
Written By:Dr.E Nugroho
Total pages : 164
Budidaya walet
A book by Redaksi AgroMedia in Bahasa Indonesia.
Total pages:96
Some of the contents:
Agar Walet Betah Tinggal di Gedung dan Berproduksi
Teknik Tepat Memancing Walet
Sekilas Prospek Bisnis Sarang Walet
Mendesain dan Membangun Rumah Walet
Out of stock
Total pages:96
Some of the contents:
Agar Walet Betah Tinggal di Gedung dan Berproduksi
Teknik Tepat Memancing Walet
Sekilas Prospek Bisnis Sarang Walet
Mendesain dan Membangun Rumah Walet
Out of stock
Memancing walet dengan sarang kertas
Author : KO. Abeng.
Total Pages:59.
Written in Bahasa Indonesia.
Some of the contents:
Mengenal Walet
Mengenal Lingkungan Kandang walet
Kandang Walet
Memancing Walet
Membuat dan Memasang Sarang Kertas
Pemanenan Sarang Walet
Learn how to make good fake nests from card board with colour pictures and how to paste to planks.Many other information.
Total Pages:59.
Written in Bahasa Indonesia.
Some of the contents:
Mengenal Walet
Mengenal Lingkungan Kandang walet
Kandang Walet
Memancing Walet
Membuat dan Memasang Sarang Kertas
Pemanenan Sarang Walet
Learn how to make good fake nests from card board with colour pictures and how to paste to planks.Many other information.
Sarana Budidaya Walet
Author : Hary K.Nugroho and Eka Setia Sukma.
Total pages:73.
Written in Bahasa Indonesia.
Memiliki Rumah Walet Prospektif
Penjaga Suhu,Kelembapan dan Cahaya
Pemancing Walet
Pencegah dan Pembasmi Hama
Pemanen Sarang
Sarana Pascapanen Sarang
Sarana Regenerasi
Pengaman Rumah Walet
Memiliki Rumah Walet Prospektif
Penjaga Suhu,Kelembapan dan Cahaya
Pemancing Walet
Pencegah dan Pembasmi Hama
Pemanen Sarang
Sarana Pascapanen Sarang
Sarana Regenerasi
Pengaman Rumah Walet
A book about the right equipments to use and how to use in a swiftlet farm.Furnished with plenty of pictures.
Prospek bisnis walet
Author: Hary Kusumo Nugroho,MBA.
Total pages:71.Written in Bahasa Indonesia.
Lokasi yang Sesuai
Struktur dan Bentuk Bangunan
Peralatan Walet yang Tepat
Pengetahuan yang cukup,Kesabaran dan Ketekunan
Keuangan yang Memadai
Bagaimana Prospek Walet saat ini dan Kedepan
Langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil.
Total pages:71.Written in Bahasa Indonesia.
Lokasi yang Sesuai
Struktur dan Bentuk Bangunan
Peralatan Walet yang Tepat
Pengetahuan yang cukup,Kesabaran dan Ketekunan
Keuangan yang Memadai
Bagaimana Prospek Walet saat ini dan Kedepan
Langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil.
Migrasi walet: teknik mencegah dan memanggil
Author : Drs. Arief Budiman.Total pages:62.A book in Bahasa Indonesia.
Migrasi Walet : Sebuah Fakta
Kenali Sifat Walet
Pahami Penyebab Walet Bermigrasi
Cegah Walet Bermigrasi
Panggil Walet yang Bermigrasi
Migrasi Walet : Sebuah Fakta
Kenali Sifat Walet
Pahami Penyebab Walet Bermigrasi
Cegah Walet Bermigrasi
Panggil Walet yang Bermigrasi
Memancing Walet dengan Suara Tiruan
One of the best book with lots of informations from Indramayu.
Written by Kaliman ,total pages : 61.Base on author's experience.
"Memaparkan teknik mengundang walet secara cepat yang menghemat waktu dan tenaga"
Written by Kaliman ,total pages : 61.Base on author's experience.
"Memaparkan teknik mengundang walet secara cepat yang menghemat waktu dan tenaga"
Meningkatkan Produksi Sarang Walet
Authors: H.Achmad Fatich Marzuki,H.Sunu Kuntjoro,Hj. Masnunah Hanim & Yustina Erna Widyastuti.Total pages:80.Written in Bahasa Indonesia.
Mengenal Perilaku dan Morfologi serta Anatomi Walet
Persyaratan dan Pengelolaan Habitat Mikro
Persyaratan dan Pengelolaan Habitat Makro
Memikat Walet Masuk Rumah dan Mempromosikan Habitat
Menekan Gangguan Walet
Mengenal Perilaku dan Morfologi serta Anatomi Walet
Persyaratan dan Pengelolaan Habitat Mikro
Persyaratan dan Pengelolaan Habitat Makro
Memikat Walet Masuk Rumah dan Mempromosikan Habitat
Menekan Gangguan Walet
Meningkatkan Populasi Walet dan Seriti
Written in Bahasa Indonesia by Philip Yamin and Eka Setia Sukma.Total pages:78
Some of the contents:
Meningkatkan populasi berarti meningkatkan produksi
Mengatur kelembapan,suhu dan cahaya
Menambahkan aroma dalam ruangan
Memberikan ruang gerak
Menyesuaikan bahan sirip dan cara memasangnya
Meramalkan ruangan dengan suara koloni
Menyediakan pakan tambahan
Merawat dan merenovasi rumah wal
Some of the contents:
Meningkatkan populasi berarti meningkatkan produksi
Mengatur kelembapan,suhu dan cahaya
Menambahkan aroma dalam ruangan
Memberikan ruang gerak
Menyesuaikan bahan sirip dan cara memasangnya
Meramalkan ruangan dengan suara koloni
Menyediakan pakan tambahan
Merawat dan merenovasi rumah wal
Permasalahan Walet dan Solusinya
Authors:Philip Yamin and Rudi Hartono.Total pages:72.Written in Bahasa Indonesia.
Some of the contents:
Lingkungan yang sesuai dengan habitat walet
Mewujudkan rumah walet ideal
Walet tidak mau datang atau selalu kabur
Populasi walet sangat sedikit
Produksi sarang walet tidak memuaskan
Faktor keberuntungan usaha walet
Some of the contents:
Lingkungan yang sesuai dengan habitat walet
Mewujudkan rumah walet ideal
Walet tidak mau datang atau selalu kabur
Populasi walet sangat sedikit
Produksi sarang walet tidak memuaskan
Faktor keberuntungan usaha walet
Budidaya Walet - Pengalaman Langsung Para Pakar
A book by Redaksi Trubus.Written in Bahasa Indonesia.Total pages : 152
Some of the contents:
Pengenalan sarang dan jenis
Lokasi dan pensyaratan lingkungan
Budidaya intensif
Hama dan kendala
Pasca panen sarang walet
Bisnis dan khasiat
Some of the contents:
Pengenalan sarang dan jenis
Lokasi dan pensyaratan lingkungan
Budidaya intensif
Hama dan kendala
Pasca panen sarang walet
Bisnis dan khasiat
Menentukan Lokasi Budidaya Walet
Author:Drs.Arief Budiman.Total pages:68.Written in Bahasa Indonesia.
Include CD CEK LOKASI SUPER.A very useful guide on how to check a location effectively.
With a mobile location checker,now you can find out for yourself whether a location is suitable to build a farm or not.
Some of the contents:
Lokasi Ideal
Lokasi Sentra Walet
Lokasi Lintasan Walet
Lokasi Buruan Walet
Cara Pengecekan Lokasi
Include CD CEK LOKASI SUPER.A very useful guide on how to check a location effectively.
With a mobile location checker,now you can find out for yourself whether a location is suitable to build a farm or not.
Some of the contents:
Lokasi Ideal
Lokasi Sentra Walet
Lokasi Lintasan Walet
Lokasi Buruan Walet
Cara Pengecekan Lokasi
Menetaskan Telur Walet
Author: Drs. Arief Budiman.Total pages:88.Written in Bahasa Indonesia.
Batu Loncatan Budi Daya Walet
Antara Walet,Seriti dan Seriti Kembang
Kasus Gedung Kosong:Rekayasa Agar Dihuni Walet
Pengadaan Telur Walet
Penetasan Telur Walet dengan Induk Walet
Batu Loncatan Budi Daya Walet
Antara Walet,Seriti dan Seriti Kembang
Kasus Gedung Kosong:Rekayasa Agar Dihuni Walet
Pengadaan Telur Walet
Penetasan Telur Walet dengan Induk Walet
Timer and Power Points Set
A very much reliable Hager Timer with 4 power points which upper two run separately from lower two.
The timer can be set to activate upper two at a period of time and then stop and let lower two run.
Purpose is to alternate amplifiers used for internal calling as farmers normally let the internal sound runs for 24 hours.By alternating 2 amplifiers at interval of 3 hours or 6 hours each will prevent overheating and thus make those amplifiers last longer.
Please call to check price.
Waterproof Tweeter
Dimension : 22cm x 8cm.Suitable as External Tweeter.Waterproof.
As one can see in the picture,there is a plastic cover at the middle to prevent water flow into inner part and there are 4 holes drilled at the back to drain out water.Powerful and reliable for external use.
Please call to check price.
As one can see in the picture,there is a plastic cover at the middle to prevent water flow into inner part and there are 4 holes drilled at the back to drain out water.Powerful and reliable for external use.
Please call to check price.
Audax Piezo AX60
Clear and natural sounding to attracts swiftlets to stay in new farm.One of the best internal tweeters.Proven to be effective and widely use in Indonesia.Recommended to be used with a capacitor.
Please call to check price.
Please call to check price.
Audax Piezo AX61
Size: 3" x 3".Clear sounding to attracts birds more efficiently.Durable and long lasting.Best use with capacitor.
Please call to check price.
Please call to check price.
Audax Piezo Tweeter AX-65
Size:3" x 3".Good quality tweeter suitable for external and internal use.Clear sounding.Very suitable to be used in roving room.
Please call to check price.
Please call to check price.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mobile Location Tester 1 - Plug n Play
Four tweeters with coils and capacitors.Dimension:L19cm x W20cm x H16cm.Quality amplifier 180w + 180w and USB/Card Reader.Easy to operate-just plug to your car cigarette lighter point and play.Stainless steel body made to last.Weight:2kg only - easy to carry.Very effective device.
The major factor of a successful BH is the right location.This device had been tested over and over again and proven to be very effective as a location checker.When the Location Checking Sound is played,birds nearby will quickly responded to the source of the sound.This device can be use to test new external sound too.To learn how,where and when to conduct a test,please read 'Menentukan Lokasi Budidaya Walet" by Drs.Arief Budiman.
Please call to check price.
The major factor of a successful BH is the right location.This device had been tested over and over again and proven to be very effective as a location checker.When the Location Checking Sound is played,birds nearby will quickly responded to the source of the sound.This device can be use to test new external sound too.To learn how,where and when to conduct a test,please read 'Menentukan Lokasi Budidaya Walet" by Drs.Arief Budiman.
Please call to check price.
Hexagonal Tweeter
Built in 6 water tweeters with mesh.Stainless steel frame.Quality speaker wire used for connection.Easy to join with pole.Easy to change tweeter as well.This tweeter is only suitable for external used.Normally install on roof top to attract birds from all corners.Very effective in pooling birds and widely use in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Price call to check price.
Price call to check price.
Humidistat 2 Power Point - Humidity Control Device
This is the most accurate device to control humidifiers in a BH.Manually setting and proven to be very reliable.Every units is tested for at least 48hours before sent out to end user.3 power points to control up to 3 humidifiers at a time.If one is using a data logger,one can tell how reliable this unit is.No more worrying about flooded floors when a humidity controller malfunctioned.This one you can count on.Components imported from Germany.6 months warranty.
Indoor/Outdoor Hygrothermometer
4 readings appear on the screen at once.Hygrothermometer can be place in data room where one does not need to go inside a BH to know the reading of temperature and humidity.Min/Max record
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